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A Sustainable Solution to Our world’s Water Problem | David Hertz | TEDxCrossroadsSchool

Water is a basic human right yet billions lack access to clean drinking water allowing diseases to spread throughout the world. Water Abundance XPrize recipient and architect David Hertz offers a unique solution to this lasting problem: A machine that can pull moisture from earth​’s atmosphere to create potable water using 100% renewable energy anywhere in the world. David Hertz is the founder and president of David Hertz FAIA Architects, Inc. and S.E.A., the Studio of Environmental Architecture. Having twice received the American Architecture Award, Hertz is a renowned architecture who is particularly interested in the intersection between food, water, energy, and architecture. Throughout his career, Hertz’s award-winning work has been displayed at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), The Smithsonian Museums of Natural History, and the National Building Museum. Hertz is also the recent winner of the 2018 Water Abundance XPrize, a competition to extract moisture from earth’s atmosphere to create safe drinking water. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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