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Cambodia’s Orphans | Get Real | Channel NewsAsia Connect

There are 12,000 children who live in orphanages in Cambodia, but only 1 in 5 children are actually orphans. Some have been exploited and used in an industry called orphanage tourism, soliciting donations from tourists. Robert Kee, a Singaporean who runs Hope Village, an orphanage 2 hours away from Phnom Penh, hopes to give the children under his care a home free from exploitation and abuse.

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Digital Producer: Kim Wong

TV Producer: Anna Karenina Tolentino

About the Show:

Get Real is one of Channel NewsAsia’s longest running current affairs documentary programme, featuring investigative reports from across Asia. Launched in 2004 as the channel’s flagship Asian current affairs show, the award-winning programme reports on issues affecting Asians, and reveals the uncomfortable reality of life and living in a region which is as diverse as it is complex. You think you know Asia. But on this show, the team meets ordinary Asians with less than ordinary stories, and presents to you different side of a region.

Get Real – Tuesdays, 8pm, Channel NewsAsia.

Post Series: Cambodia
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