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Can you spot the signs of a modern slave? | Human Trafficking

Modern slavery is a serious crime. It encompasses slavery, servitude, and forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. Modern slavery victims can often face more than one type of abuse and slavery, for example if they are sold to another trafficker and then forced into another form of exploitation.

Definition of human trafficking:
A person is trafficked if they are brought to (or moved around) a country by others who threaten, frighten, hurt and force them to do work or other things they don’t want to do.

What we are doing to help:
Our anti-trafficking work takes place on an international scale. We have been protecting and caring for vulnerable victims of modern slavery since The Salvation Army’s early beginnings in the 1880s, and since July 2011 we have delivered the UK government’s contract to manage support services for adult victims of modern slavery.

Key facts:
Worldwide more than 800,000 men, women, and children are trafficked every year
77% of trafficked victims are women
87% of trafficked victims are sexually exploited
Human trafficking is a worldwide criminal activity with annual profits estimated to be $36 billion
Women are sold for £500 – £8000

Post Series: United Kingdom
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