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Slash & Burn | Part 5: How can things change?

This is one of a series of five short films that contribute to a UK-Brazil research initiative, “Human dimensions of wildfires: Linking research and environmental education to reduce Amazonian wildfires”. Wildfires have increased dramatically in Amazonia due to agricultural expansion and severe droughts. Forest fires threaten biodiversity and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing wildfires is essential to safeguard the future of the Amazon forest and mitigate climate change by reducing carbon emissions. This research project aims to reduce the prevalence of Amazonian wildfires by linking social and natural sciences with environmental education and capacity building. Funded by the Darwin Initiative and INCT-MPEG (Museu Goeldi, Brazil), and executed by Lancaster University (UK). Produced/directed by Tania Cypriano (Viva! Films) in association with Luke Parry and Jos Barlow (both Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University).


Directed by Tania Cypriano

Executive producers: Luke Parry and Jos Barlow

Co-produced by Viva! Pictures

Script: Leslie Clark & Tania Cypriano

Script editing: Jos Barlow, Luke Parry, Juliana Silveira

Camera, sound and editing: Tania Cypriano

Additional camera: Bira Cabral Monteiro

Aerial footage: courtesy of Greenpeace

Production coordinators: Luke Parry, Heloisa Correa

Production assistance: Waldir dos Santos Silva, Martina Sonksen

Featuring: Adsonede Noguiera do Nascimento; Chico Malta; Danicley Saraiva de Aguiar; Daniel Moraes da Silva; Eduardo Pinheiro Rodrigues; Francisco Revelo Oliveira; Isvaldo Ferreira de Sousa; Marcos Augusto Mourer; Nelson Ferreira do Nascimento; Ronam Moura de Almeida; Wagner Cléssio da Silva Rodrigues

With special thanks to:
Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, United Kingdom: Alan Blackburn; Rachel Carmenta; Toby A. Gardner; Saskia Vermeylen

Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Brazil: Amanda Estefânia, Ima C. G. Vieira; Karoline Gonçalves

Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, Brazil: Joice N. Ferreia

Universidade de São Paulo: Thiago Fonseca Morello
Curtis Mitchell; Daniel Moraes da Silva; Laurimar Leal; Lilian Rebellato; Rob Langhammer

Music: Mestre Verequete; Chico Malta; Juarez Moreira; Urbano Medeiros

Slash and Burn. Copyright: Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Post Series: Brazil
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