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The Politics of Happiness in Bhutan

“The Politics of Happiness in Bhutan” shows how the Royal Government of Bhutan is tying to curb rural to urban migration.
Many low income countries see their destitute farmers as cheap labour so their industries win the competitive edge in the global economy.
However, Bhutan has reversed their school curriculum’s urban bias to produce educated farmers.
To revitalize the local economy they give grants to increase and diversify crop production and boost traditional crafts.
They have devolved power to local councils and are researching Gross National Happiness as a more inclusive measurement of progress than GNP.
However, with many government ministers graduating in economics from American Universities, they are increasingly becoming drawn into the global economy.
Despite cries from farmers to be protected from cheap imported food in their markets, the politicians are considering joining the World Trade Organization (WTO.
Bhutan is at a cross roads.
Either it signs up to the WTO rules that will give foreign Multinationals and investors total rights over their trade, resources and services or it forges a new development pattern that protects small producers and the environment against the vagaries of the global economy.Tracy Worcester’s BBC Earth Report from Bhutan

Post Series: Bhutan
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