The Rainbow Warrior Bomber Breaks His Silence (2015)
Rainbow Warrior Bomber (2015): Colonel Jean Luc Kister led the dive team and set the bombs on the Rainbow Warrior thirty years ago. In an exclusive interview the French intelligence agent breaks his silence to apologise for leading the deadly attack.
Post Series: France
- 1.Soil Saviours
- 2.Cities Without Cars
- 3.The bombing of the Rainbow Warrior in 1985
- 4.The Boat and the Bomb (2005) – full length version
- 5.The Rainbow Warrior Bomber Breaks His Silence (2015)
- 6.A nuclear waste dump for eternity
- 7.Surrounded: Island of the Sharks (Full Length)
- 8.France’s plastic revolution | earthrise
- 9.Industrial Fishing: Plundering the Ocean
- 10.The city turning streets into gardens – BBC News
- 11.Extinction Rebellion Peacefully Disrupt Cannes Lions Festival | Extinction Rebellion
- 12.Climate change is melting the French Alps
- 13.Climate change in the French Alps: impacts on the climate, snow coverage and avalanche risk
- 14.The climate change effect: Mont Blanc on meltdown
- 15.Food Waste In The UK Versus France
- 16.France: Paris initiatives lay waste to binning food
- 17.France’s uphill battle against supermarket food waste
- 18.France’s food waste prevention law making inroads 2 years in
- 19.Is France’s groundbreaking food-waste law working?
- 20.America versus France on Wasted Food
- 21.France to set penalties on non-recycled plastic next year
- 22.Covid-19: France’s small-scale farmers see ‘glimmer of hope’