Meet Xinh from Vietnam – A day in her life
Meet Xinh, a Plan International sponsored child from Vietnam. We gave her a camera to document a day in her life.
Plan International is working in her community to improve health services, access to clean water and access to quality education.
Post Series: Vietnam
- 1.Tough Love. Challenging Vietnam’s abortion rate, one baby at a time
- 2.Meet Xinh from Vietnam – A day in her life
- 3.The Vietnam War’s Agent Orange legacy | Unreported World
- 4.Saving Vietnam’s Critically Endangered Pangolins
- 5.Guardians of the Pangolin: The fight to save the world’s most trafficked animal
- 6.India: Where old clothes go to get a new life
- 7.The Tiny Mossy Frog Clings for Survival
- 8.The Vietnam War’s Environmental Legacy
- 9.China is forcing the world to rethink recycling
- 10.Stealing pet dogs for meat in Vietnam | Unreported World