The Vietnam War’s Environmental Legacy
Fifty years after the Vietnam War, UCR’s David Biggs looks at the environmental effects of chemical weapons and the roles landscapes play in the country’s larger history of conflict. Biggs, an associate professor and historian, also discusses his ongoing work with environmental cleanups in Vietnam as the country works to pinpoint buried caches of abandoned chemicals such as napalm, Agent Orange, and tear gas.…
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Post Series: United States
- 1.Acid Rain Eating Washington, D.C.
- 2.Drones Over Dolphin Stampede and Whales off Dana Point and Maui
- 3.Poverty in America Documentary 2017
- 4.Pollution in USA
- 5.When Your Job Is Saving The Ocean
- 6.Is It OK to Let These Wolves Go Extinct in the Wild? | National Geographic
- 7.This Farm of the Future Uses No Soil and 95% Less Water
- 8.Backyard aeroponics: self-sustaining farm for Wisconsin cold
- 9.Does Recycling Actually Help?
- 10.Midway, a plastic island
- 11.FGM happened to me in white, midwest America
- 12.CNN exclusive investigation: Kids for sale
- 13.New York’s Big Green Clean
- 14.Homeless Babies And Toddlers Endure Tough, Long Days On San Diego Streets
- 15.Income inequality: Hunger down the block from wealth
- 16.The Netherlands and United States: Tackling Climate and Energy Challenges through Innovation
- 17.Rob Greenfield’s Simple Sustainable Apartment
- 18.How to Grow Food for Free in the City
- 19.My Near Zero Waste Lifestyle
- 20.This NYC Store is an Environmentalist’s Wonderland
- 21.The Call of the Land: Meet The Next Generation of Farmers | Short Film Showcase
- 22.One Man’s Mission to Revive the Last Redwood Forests | Short Film Showcase
- 23.Future of Food: Farming in the age of climate change
- 24.Garbage Homes – EarthShips
- 25.Earthships: Creating Eco-Unique Homes
- 26.Earthship Tour & Instructions
- 27.Poverty in America Documentary 2017
- 28.Employed but still homeless, working poor say “Homelessness can happen to anybody”
- 29.What quality of life can minimum wage workers afford?
- 30.American Workers Struggling to Make Ends Meet in Today’s Economy
- 31.Living Paycheck to Paycheck | The New York Times
- 32.Hard Times Generation: Families living in cars
- 33.Hard times generation: homeless kids
- 34.Gun control and the statistics behind America’s love affair with guns | The Economist
- 35.Guns in America vs. The rest of the world
- 36.Gun Nation
- 37.America’s gun problem, explained in 90 seconds
- 38.The state of gun violence in the US, explained in 18 charts
- 39.Natural Burials and Green Funerals
- 40.A burial practice that nourishes the planet | Caitlin Doughty
- 41.Bios Urn Stories
- 42.10 Steps To Growing Most Of My Food
- 43.China Leaving United States Behind On Green Energy Jobs | On Assignment with Richard Engel | MSNBC
- 44.CarbonLite: Inside the World’s Largest Plastic Bottle Recycling Plant
- 45.Inside an Apache Rite of Passage Into Womanhood
- 46.Why paid maternity leave is a smart business move
- 47.Pandas in the spotlight
- 48.Panda School: (EXCLUSIVE) How the National Zoo Trains Its Panda Cub | National Geographic
- 49.These Kids Live In Mexico But Cross The Border Daily To Go To School In The US
- 50.The Hispanic child migrants desperate to reach America
- 51.Caring for undocumented children who cross the border
- 52.Who are the children crossing the US border? – BBC News
- 53.Why Organic, Sustainable Farming Matters | Portrait of a Farmer
- 54.Why does almost half of America’s food go to waste?
- 55.Food-Waste Rebel Wants You to Eat Ugly Food | National Geographic
- 56.Food Too “Ugly” to Sell Becomes a Feast for 5,000 People | National Geographic
- 57.ARISE Music Festival and Sustainability
- 58.Is it Trash or Is It Art? Recycled Arts Festival
- 59.National Student Walkout | Protest Gun Violence
- 60.The Accidental Environmentalist
- 61.The New Environmentalists – Festival Version
- 62.Is there hope for conservation? | James Borrell | TEDxQMUL
- 63.See this baby polar bear grow up in under 2 minutes
- 64.Fair Trade doesn’t mean fair pay for tea workers in India
- 65.Fair Trade: The Power of the Consumer
- 66.Glass Recycling
- 67.How It’s Made: Recycling Car Batteries
- 68.I have one more chromosome than you. So what? | Karen Gaffney | TEDxPortland
- 69.Frank Stephens’ POWERFUL Speech On Down Syndrome
- 70.Girl Tells the World That Down Syndrome Is ‘Not Scary’
- 71.Minimalist/Zero Waste House Tour (Family of 4 + 2 Dogs)
- 72.Zero Waste Grocery Shopping At Wal-Mart!!!
- 73.Reusing What You Already Have | Zero Waste Alternatives
- 74.How to Store Produce without Plastic
- 75.What is Greenwashing?
- 77.How to Avoid Greenwashing
- 78.Which Brands Are Green Washing on Target Shelves???
- 79.Do Cities Need More Green Roofs? | NPR
- 80.Why Hundreds of Sea Otters Died in the Pacific | National Geographic
- 81.The Sea Otter’s Enchanted Forest | America’s National Parks
- 82.WindTamer Turbines – The Most Efficient Technology
- 83.Plastic-eating enzyme could fight pollution
- 84.NYC Subway Cars Being Dumped Into The Ocean – You Won’t Believe Why!
- 85.This high-tech farm grows veggies in a warehouse
- 86.Cities of the Future May Eat Plants Grown in the Air
- 87.How A Company Fits Five Acres Of Farmland Into Shipping Containers
- 88.Single-Stream Recycling — Leading the Way to Zero Waste
- 89.Downsize Your Life: Why Less is More | Rita Wilkins | TEDxWilmingtonWomen
- 90.The Art of Letting Go | The Minimalists | TEDxFargo
- 91.Understanding the Value of Benefit Corporations
- 92.Public Benefit Corporations vs. B Certified: A New Model for Sustainable Capitalism
- 93.LAS VEGAS: Living in underground tunnels
- 94.Fracking Hell: The Untold Story
- 95.CNN Explains: Fracking
- 96.What Is Fracking? | National Geographic
- 97.The fracking debate: Terry Engelder at TEDxPSU
- 98.Water, Fracking, and Human Health: Eliza Griswold at TEDxColumbiaSIPA
- 99.Let’s transform energy — by leaving natural gas in the ground: Jonathan Deal at TEDxStellenbosch
- 100.Shale oil production in South Texas: Tom Tunstall at TEDxSanAntonio 2013
- 101.The importance of banning hydraulic fracturing (fracking): Siena Lorraine at TEDxVillageGate
- 102.Fractured Fracking Facts: Laura Cunningham at TEDxChemungRiver
- 103.American Eagle – Nature Documentary (HD)
- 104.9 Facts You Didn’t Know About Bald Eagles
- 105.How Do Homeless Women Cope With Their Periods? | NSFWomen
- 106.US Denies Climate Change, Promotes Fossil Fuel Energy During UN Conference
- 107.What EPA‘s Scott Pruitt means for environmental policy and regulation
- 108.Environmental groups say Trump’s climate policies will reverse progress
- 109.Pruitt dismisses climate science, environmental policy in flux
- 110.5 major changes to US environmental policy in 2017
- 111.How the high demand for almonds is affecting California
- 112.Is it nuts to grow almonds during a drought?
- 113.What California’s Almond Farms Really Look Like | Originals | msnbc
- 114.Why Almond Milk Is Terrible
- 115.The Damage Done: The Unwanted (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Episode 1
- 116.The Damage Done: The Unwanted (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Episode 2
- 117.The Damage Done: The Unwanted (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Episode 3
- 118.The Damage Done: The Unwanted (Philadelphia, PA) | Episode 4
- 119.This Is What An Ivory Bust In New York City Looks Like (HBO)
- 120.Where Does New York City’s Trash Go? | Living City | The New York Times
- 121.Inside New York City’s Water Towers | The New York Times
- 122.88,000 tons of radioactive waste – and nowhere to put it
- 123.China’s Waste Ban Is Causing A Trash Crisis In The U.S. (HBO)
- 124.New York City Housing Shortage
- 125.Uneven Growth NYC | Documentary
- 126.Shortage of housing units in the New York City raises costs
- 127.Why a severe housing shortage means reduced wages for workers
- 128.Housing Crisis in America – Richard Wolff & Walter South
- 129.Gray Seals In The Wild | JONATHAN BIRD’S BLUE WORLD
- 130.Sea Turtle Rescue! | JONATHAN BIRD’S BLUE WORLD
- 131.Saving the Sturgeon | JONATHAN BIRD’S BLUE WORLD
- 132.Ocean Camouflage and Color | JONATHAN BIRD’S BLUE WORLD
- 133.50 Years Ago, This Was a Wasteland. He Changed Everything | Short Film Showcase
- 134.How San Francisco Is Becoming A Zero Waste City
- 135.China Leaving United States Behind On Green Energy Jobs | On Assignment with Richard Engel | MSNBC
- 136.Beekeeping For Beginners and Beekeeping Basics – Off Grid Living
- 137.How To Set Up a Beehive
- 138.Tips for Getting Started in Beekeeping – Brushy Mountain Bee Farm
- 139.We can save the bees together: Sarah Red-Laird at TEDxBend
- 140.No bees, no food: John Miller at TEDxUNC
- 141.The Secret Weapon That Could Help Save Bees
- 142.Inside Biosphere 2: The World’s Largest Earth Science Experiment
- 143.Deep Sea Fish Farming in Geodesic Domes: Upgrade
- 144.The Dirty Secret at the Bottom of the Great Lakes: Oil & Water
- 145.People Are Making Big Money Kicking Detroit Residents Out Of Their Homes (HBO)
- 146.Squatters Are Taking Over Las Vegas’ Abandoned Houses (HBO)
- 147.The battery that could make mass solar and wind power viable | Dispatch
- 148.Transparent Solar Panels | Michigan State University
- 149.The solar cell that is transparent like glass. Keynote Prof. Richard Lunt at BMW Welcomes.
- 150.A new way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere | Jennifer Wilcox
- 151.Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy
- 152.A ‘clear path’ to solar power – Science Nation
- 153.Transparent solar panel developed by MSU absorbs invisible ultraviolet rays
- 154.How Aerofarms’ vertical farms grow produce
- 155.Aquaponic farming saves water, but can it feed the country?
- 156.Farming underwater: 3D solutions for land and sea | Earthrise
- 157.Talk to Al Jazeera – Beyond meat: The end of food as we know it?
- 158.Driving Change – earthrise
- 159.Rising sea levels will put U.S. homes at risk in near future
- 160.What If Your Home Was Slipping Into the Ocean? | National Geographic
- 161.Sea level rise: Miami and Atlantic city fight to stay above water
- 162.Iowa Wind Power | National Geographic
- 163.An Urban Farmer in the City
- 164.Monsanto: The Company that Owns the World’s Food Supply
- 165.Monsanto CEO: Discussion about GMOs
- 166.Everything Wrong With Monsanto
- 167.Monsanto vs Farmers
- 168.Mexico builds wall to keep out Monsanto’s GMOs
- 169.Farmers ditching Monsanto as GMO backlash grows
- 170.The 15-Year-Old Suing the Government over Climate Change
- 171.As Donald Trump Denies Climate Change, These Kids Die Of It | The New York Times
- 172.What Can Beijing Learn From Los Angeles’ Pollution Problem?
- 173.Will climate change turn Miami into a ‘future Atlantis’?
- 174.How Climate Change Is Gentrifying Miami Housing | This New World
- 175.Sea level rise: Miami and Atlantic city fight to stay above water
- 176.Inside the Lab That Could Solve the World’s Plastics Problem (Unsolvable: Episode 1)
- 177.Sea Shepherds finds a dead sample of the most endangered marine mammal in the world
- 178.Fracking Hell: The Untold Story
- 179.How Fracking Has Changed One Woman’s Life in Colorado
- 180.Texas Is on Fire With Polluting Flares From Fracking | NBC Left Field
- 181.🇺🇸Fracking in America | Fault Lines
- 182.Shale cowboys: fracking under Trump – Docu – 2017
- 183.Fracking: The real cost of shale in Texas | Guardian Investigations
- 184.FRACK US: the dangers of gas fracking.
- 185.“Men here are 100% worse… They’re animals.” – Life in a North Dakota oil & gas boomtown – BBC News
- 186.Why North Dakota’s oil fields are so deadly for workers
- 187.Oil, Corruption and Death on the Reservation | Times Documentaries | The New York Times
- 188.‘In the Land of Hell’: Life as a Female Trucker in North Dakota | Op-Docs | The New York Times
- 189.Sex and the Oil City: The dark side of North Dakota’s oil boom (RT Documentary)
- 190.India: Where old clothes go to get a new life
- 191.Why it will take more than basic recycling to cut back on plastic
- 192.Loss of Chinese export market drives new ideas for repurposing recyclables
- 193.How This U.S. City Ended Up in a Dire Recycling Crisis | Reports | NowThis
- 194.How Native Americans Are Saving Vegetables from Extinction
- 195.Matchmaking for Species Survival
- 196.See Brooklyn’s Wild Parrots
- 197.Fast Fashion’s Effect on People, The Planet, & You | Patrick Woodyard | TEDxUniversityofMississippi
- 198.America’s Dopamine-Fueled Shopping Addiction
- 199.Farms under the sea could feed the world in 2050
- 200.Future of Food: Farming in the age of climate change
- 201.Cities of the Future May Eat Plants Grown in the Air
- 202.Will climate change turn Miami into a ‘future Atlantis’?
- 203.This Virginia Island Is Literally Sinking Into The Sea (HBO)
- 204.Will the traditions of tiny Tangier Island survive or sink?
- 205.The Drowning Islands Of Virginia | Originals | msnbc
- 206.Tangier Island: Among the First U.S. Climate Refugees?
- 207.Tangier – the vanishing island
- 208.🇺🇸Can Tangier Island be first climate change casualty in the US? | Al Jazeera English
- 209.US takes Yellowstone grizzly bears off endangered list
- 210.Always Endangered – The Story of Grizzly 399
- 211.Yellowstone Grizzly Bears: A Success Story
- 212.NATURE | The Good, The Bad, and the Grizzly | On the Hunt |
- 213.NATURE | The Good, The Bad, and the Grizzly | Prey | PBS
- 214.California wants its grizzly bears back
- 215.Grizz Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Grizzly Bears? | Short Film Showcase
- 216.Cohousing communities help prevent social isolation
- 217.Co-housing—Community at its Best | Erica Elliott | TEDxABQ
- 218.Co-housing—Community at its Best | Erica Elliott | TEDxABQ
- 219.How fast fashion adds to the world’s clothing waste problem (Marketplace)
- 220.The Fiber Side of Textile Recycling
- 221.Politics of Climate Change | Years of Living Dangerously
- 222.Why Republicans Still Reject the Science of Global Warming
- 223.he Truth About Animal Testing for Cosmetics
- 224.Watch people react to photos of animal testing for cosmetics
- 225.Why Do We Still Test Cosmetics on Animals?
- 226.California’s ban on animal-testing could remake cosmetics industry
- 227.Animal Rights Extremists: Terrorism vs. Protest
- 228.Microdevices that mimic human organs could replace animal testing
- 229.Vanderbilt Advances “Organ-on-a-Chip” Research
- 230.Human Organs-on-Chips as replacements for animal testing with Donald Ingber
- 231.Introduction to Organs-on-Chips
- 232.Drug Testing Shake Up with Organs-on-a-Chip
- 233.Engineering human organs onto a microchip | Dan Huh | TEDxPenn
- 234.Your body in a microchip: Geraldine Hamilton at TEDxBoston
- 235.Did you know there’s a talking gorilla?
- 236.A Conversation With Koko
- 237.Remembering the human side of Koko the gorilla
- 238.NYC lawmakers consider ban on fur in the fashion mecca
- 239.Patagonia: The Paradox of an Eco-Conscious Company
- 240.Are dockless scooters environmentally friendly? (Bird and Lime)
- 241.The Circuit: Tracking America’s Electronic Waste
- 242.How e-Waste Is Recycled | GreenShortz
- 243.The explosive problem with recycling old electronics
- 244.Brexit: The Hidden Danger of Chlorinated Chicken. With Stephen Fry
- 245.This Natural Gas Plant Has Achieved Zero Emissions
- 246.Report: climate change a growing target of false news stories
- 247.Climate Denial In The Classroom
- 248.Person on the Street Reactions: Tobacco Impact on the Environment — Tobacco Free CA
- 249.Cigarettes–Environmental Impacts & Solutions
- 250.Detroit’s Urban Beekeepers are Transforming the City’s Vacant Lots | Short Film Showcase
- 251.Black Market Kidney Transplant | Underworld, Inc.
- 252.Deepwater Horizon disaster, five years later
- 253.The Magnetic Wand That Cleans Oil Spills: Upgrade
- 254.Solar power could be the answer to aging electrical grids
- 255.Can an entire town run on solar?
- 256.Debate over solar rates simmers in the Nevada desert
- 257.Scientists warn 2019 could be the hottest year on record
- 258.Solar power is finally within reach, but not for long
- 259.Damien Mander talks Akashinga at The Explorers Club, New York
- 260.Damien Mander Is Waging War On Poaching | Rich Roll Podcast
- 261.What Is the Difference Between a Raven and a Crow
- 262.10 Odd and Interesting Facts About Crows and Ravens (North America)
- 263.5 Reasons To Like Crows (American Crow)
- 264.You’ve Heard of a Murder of Crows. How About a Crow Funeral? | Deep Look
- 265.Gift giving crows – World’s Weirdest Events: Episode 5 – BBC Two
- 266.Soaring intelligence and surprising warmth of crows
- 267.SciShow Talk Show: The Science of Corvids & Dick Cheney Masks
- 268.Indonesia returns millions of tonnes of waste to Australia
- 269.America’s Political Battle | A New Climate
- 270.This Family’s Fight Against Climate Change Starts At The Top Of Centuries-Old Trees | Nightly News
- 271.A climate reckoning in the heartland
- 272.Farmers reckon with the idea of “climate change” amid a changing climate
- 273.Ancient Ice Reveals Earth’s Climate History
- 274.Media Takes Heat For Offering Climate Change Doubters A Voice
- 275.The Mainstream Media Has To Cover Climate Change as a Crisis
- 276.Scientists continue to issue urgent warnings about climate change | 7.30
- 277.Trump 2020 Campaign Pushes Support for Plastic Straws | NowThis
- 278.The last straw: Seattle’s drinking straw ban
- 279.Goodyear’s designing a tire that can literally breathe
- 280.How drought and the fight for water is splitting the state of California
- 281.California Makes Years-Long Climb From The Depths Of Exceptional Drought
- 282.What’s Causing the California Water Crisis? | NowThis
- 283.#ClimateFacts: The Worst Polluter
- 284.US military is world’s ‘single largest producer’ of greenhouse gases – report
- 285.How Military Pollution Could Cause The Next Water Crisis
- 286.The Vietnam War’s Environmental Legacy
- 287.Why Are Wild Parrots Disappearing in Miami? | Short Film Showcase
- 288.Einstein the African Grey Parrot showed off her vocabulary skills with a 200 sounds and words
- 289.What Is Regenerative Farming?
- 290.A Regenerative Secret – Kiss The Ground
- 291.Carbon Farming: Harnessing The Power of The Soil
- 292.Nebraska retiree uses earths’s heat to grow oranges in snow
- 293.Growing food with zero heating in Massachusetts’ winter
- 294.Here’s How Green Energy Could Create Millions of Jobs
- 295.David Attenborough: it’s ‘extraordinary’ climate deniers remain in Australian politics
- 296.Greta Thunberg speaks as she sets sail for U.S. climate summit
- 297.The Zero-Emissions Boat That Will take Greta Thunberg to the U.S.
- 298.Greta Thunberg sets sail on zero-carbon Atlantic voyage
- 299.16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg says meeting with Trump would be a “waste”
- 300.What is “Carbon Neutrality”?
- 301.Paper Recycling Best Practices – Why you shouldn’t “wishcycle”
- 302.Contamination Series – #1 Contamination
- 303.0:08 / 3:19 Contamination Series – #2 KW Plastics (CC)
- 304.Contamination Series – #3 Education and Technology
- 305.What is Recycling Contamination?
- 306.Why you’re recycling wrong
- 307.NASA and NOAA Take to the Air to Chase Smoke
- 308.Modeling the Future of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- 309.Greta Thunberg’s speech at New York arrival
- 310.Greta Thunberg joins hundreds of teenagers in climate protest in New York
- 311.Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Arrives in NYC to Fight “Biggest Crisis Humanity Has Ever Faced”
- 312.Americans waste up to 40 percent of the food they produce
- 313.The Big Waste: Why Do We Throw Away So Much Food?
- 314.America versus France on Wasted Food
- 315.Can conservation save our ocean? | The Economist
- 316.How coral restoration works
- 317.Bringing Coral Reefs Back To Life | Dr. David Vaughan | TEDxBermuda
- 318.A Coral Reef Revival | The Atlantic
- 319.“We Are Striking to Disrupt the System”: An Hour with 16-Year-Old Climate Activist Greta Thunberg
- 320.Greta Thunberg meets with US lawmakers to discuss climate crisis – watch live
- 321.Greta Thunberg urges all to join Friday’s climate strike: ‘See you on the street!’
- 322.Greta Thunberg and Fridays For Future honoured by Amnesty International – watch live
- 323.Greta Thunberg testifies to Congress over climate crisis – watch live
- 324.Climate activist Greta Thunberg on the power of a movement
- 325.How the Greenland ice melt will expose buried US nuclear waste within decades|Climate Change
- 326.The Green New Deal, explained
- 327.What is the ‘Green New Deal?’
- 328.Explaining the Green New Deal
- 329.On Contact: Civil Disobedience to Stop Ecocide
- 330.School children sue US government over climate change
- 331.Juliana v. United States: The Constitutional Implications of Climate Change
- 332.The Juliana Kids Use Legal Action to Fight Against Climate Change | NowThis
- 333.Greta Thunberg to world leaders: ‘How dare you? You have stolen my dreams and my childhood’
- 334.Greta Thunberg ‘is right to be furious’ | The Pledge
- 335.Why The United States Is Turning To Recycling Robots
- 336.Can Everything Be Recycled? Welcome to TerraCycle | One Small Step | NowThis
- 337.How to Recycle Your Old Electronics | One Small Step | NowThis
- 338.Here’s What Happens To Your Recycling | One Small Step | NowThis
- 339.Why Zero-Waste Grocery Shopping Matters | One Small Step | NowThis
- 340.One Month Without Single-Use Plastics | One Small Step | NowThis
- 341.What Is Composting and How Does it Work? | One Small Step | NowThis
- 342.Why You Should Turn Your Lawn Into a Food Garden | One Small Step | NowThis
- 343.Takeout creates a lot of trash. It doesn’t have to.
- 344.Hope for dwindling northern white rhinos with artificial insemination
- 345.Coca-Cola’s plastic secrets | DW Documentary
- 346.Mental Health and Well-Being, including Eco-Anxiety
- 347.Climate Change is Affecting Our Health. Is There a Cure? | Jonathan Patz | TEDxOshkosh
- 348.Clearer water, cleaner air: the environmental effects of coronavirus
- 349.What Happens to Animals Inside America’s Wet Markets?
- 350.Doctor calls NYC wet markets a ‘time bomb’
- 351.Michael Moore’s Question For Americans: How Do We Want To Live After This Pandemic?
- 352.Michael Moore Sings Us A Message Of Hope
- 353.How Amazon Paid $0 Federal Income Tax in 2018
- 354.G7 AGREE GLOBAL CORPORATE TAX EXPLAINED // G7 Agree Global Corporate Tax, will it stop Tax Havens?
- 355.How tax breaks help the rich
- 356.Who pays the lowest taxes in the US?
- 357.How American CEOs got so rich
- 358.Inside the IRS leak that revealed billionaires’ tax avoidance strategies
- 359.How Americans React to Alarming IPCC Climate Report
- 360.Stunning video shows town leveled after tornado
- 361.A Conversation Hosted by Emma Watson at The New York Times Climate Hub