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What Is the Difference Between a Raven and a Crow

See the movie “A Year With The Ravens”, there’s 2 versions;…
and then with Rick’s Ravens at Crystal Cove;…

See our first short, “Bob, Huey & Me”…

See more of Raven Rick’s ravens in “The Wildlife of Crystal Cove” ;…

Also, see Rick’s entire Raven Diaries including his first short that started his renewed passion for ravens, “Bob, Huey & Me” !

DVD with many extras at;…
And Amazon Instant Video at;…

Check out all Rick Boufford’s short films, books and Instant Videos (on nature, cooking, crafts etc) at Amazon here;

In this video we show ” What is the difference between a raven and a crow ?” Know that in the western US we have Common Ravens and American Crows, so that’s what this clip is comparing.

After viewing this video, test your Raven knowledge or learn more about ravens and crows by taking our “Raven Crow Training Test.” Twelve action clips of real birds with original sound just as you would find them in the wild plus three bonus clips challenges all corvid lovers to try to identify the Common Raven from the American Crow.

Examples from all over the western United States include; The Grand Canyon – Arizona, Santa Fe and New Mexico, Olympic Peninsula – Washington, Bryce – Utah, Crystal Cove State Park – California and more.

And remember the test is just for fun and actually serves no other purpose…

Music is “Soaring” a piece written by my nephew Justin Enayat specifically for my raven videos, and I love it for I think it captures many of the emotions one would feel will flying and diving the way ravens do!

Post Series: United States
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